Tarot for healing

right now.

My approach to tarot goes beyond predictions and future-telling: it’s a powerful tool for deep self-discovery, healing, and transformation.

When you sit with me for a reading, we’ll dive deep (after all, my Pluto is in Scorpio in the 12th house #iykyk) into the core of who you are, uncovering hidden patterns, from this or previous lifetimes and ancestral ones, that are preventing you from accessing the life and experiences you want, and illuminating the path forward.

After all, what good is looking into the future if you can’t become the person who can unlock - and thrive in - that timeline?

Instead of relying on traditional interpretations, I use tarot as a physical tool to facilitate communication with the spiritual realm. This allows us to access deeper truths that can lead to more impactful results, and are personalized to you and your situation.

You’ll leave with crystal-clear clarity, deeper awareness and a practical roadmap for how to achieve what’s available to you.

Most importantly, you’ll jump start or deepen your own spiritual development.


After my session with Josie, I feel an overwhelming sense of relief, comfort and confirmation. All of the things we discussed made me feel so aligned - with my purpose and with my circumstances. Her connections with my spirit guide were so on point! I love that Josie asked me questions and took the time to explain unfamiliar concepts to me. I haven't had the best experience with readings in the past but Josie completely changed that for me. For anyone who is considering a reading, you. need. to. run. not. walk. Josie's professional experience and natural gifts really shine in this work and you will not regret it! - PM

Initially I was not expecting to get as much information that I was provided by Josie. I was seeking to get info on my soul purpose but with talking with Josie I received more insight on why I chose certain situations and relationships. I was able to be myself and share things with Josie or better yet she was able to share things about myself and helped me understand the obstacle standing in the way of my goals. I would 100% suggest anyonewanting more insight on their life’s purpose to book with Josie. You will not be disappointed! - MC

Josie handed me peace and clarity in the realest and comforting of ways during my reading and our prior conversations. I think that's what made it so transformative. I felt seen for the first time in a very long time, receiving confirmation for all the internal work I've been doing over the years, and she answered questions I've been afraid to dive into. (Not to mention, being able to have this experience with a healer that looks like me was the cherry on top.) If you're looking for alignment but feel stuck or blocked or if you're looking for that push in the right direction, I highly recommend a reading with Josie. - YA

My reading with Josie was TRANSFORMATIVE. While I was nervous and fearful of what to expect, I left my reading feeling more confident in the decisions that I know I need to make in an effort to show up authentically and align with my purpose in this lifetime. I look forward to scheduling another after putting into practice what I have learned about myself. If you are someone who is looking to further understand your energies and live in your truest form book your reading... I assure you, the amount of clarity you will receive is priceless. - KM

This was my first reading ever and it was incredible. I felt seen and everything that came up really confirmed things I was already feeling or in denial about. I was given suggestions on next steps moving forward that have been super helpful. I cannot thank Josie enough. If you are considering a reading with Josie, DO IT! She's amazing. - YB

My session with Josie was everything I hoped it would be. I requested the reading because I was feeling very lost and unsure of what my steps should be in regards to my spiritual journey and some of my relationships. After spending time with Josie, I feel much more focused and aware of what it is I need to do to get to the next level. She is very direct yet empathetic and she really tapped into what is holding me back. -BW

My energy reading with Josie was very powerful. She helped me validate and verbalize things that I had been thinking and needed extra confirmation/ guidance to move forward with. After the session, I felt like I had so much clarity on what was holding me back and how I needed to move forward. For anyone considering an energy reading with Josie, I would absolutely encourage them to do it. It taps into new levels within yourself and definitely awakens something - CS

My session with Josie was the breath of fresh air my healing needed. I am in the process of birthing an idea that's been on my mind for a long time. But, progress felt either stalled or "floaty," as if I needed deeper grounding on who I am - my lineage. The session provided this and so much more. I am deeply grateful for Josie's knowledge and work - MC